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Pre and Post Workout Nutrition to Maximize Athlete Training - Weight Loss Stories

Strategic pre workouts and post workouts can effectively work for your training best when implemented properly and consistently followed. Without a good and proper nutritional plan, your body`s reaction to training can be best described as a waste of time and resources. The workouts you do at the gym, the supplements and the diet you take are all part of your training. Therefore, diet and training go hand in hand and cannot be considered as two independent entities. During a competition it will be the athletes who trained smart will win not those who trained hard.

Exercises normally bring about acute changes in the rate of metabolism in muscle tissues. At first blood flow in these working muscles significantly increases followed by an acute increase in catecholamine. These changes result in anabolism during rest and catabolism during a workout. Due to these acute changes, pre-workout and post-workout meals are very important to optimize the anabolic effects of exercises. Below are some of the pre and post nutritional plans you should follow to achieve the best results as an athlete.

Pre Workout Nutrition

Majorly pre-exercise nutrition strategy is based on giving the athletes alternative substrate energy to conserve stores of energy, and exploiting expanded blood flow to muscle tissues.

Heavy workouts result in a high demand of glycogen which is the sugar stacked in muscles and in the liver. Due to the high demand for energy by heavy workouts, the rate at which energy burns increases and the body is not able to supply enough oxygen to burn the fats. Instead, it utilizes sugar brought in by blood and that stored in muscles. Hence taking sugars just before preparing for a workout can lower the quantity of glycogen utilized amid workouts by doing so you will prolong performance.

Protein is one of the finest ways to make use of the increased blood flow to your body’s muscles are taking protein-rich meals before work out. The availability of the rich protein foods before work out will enable you to gain sufficient amino acids. Protein meals will ensure that enough distribution of the amino acids to muscles throughout the work out for maximum energy.

Post Workout Nutrition

The catabolic of the body needs to be transformed to anabolic if one is to realize quick body recovery from work out. Rapid intake of carbohydrate, fat, and proteins into your body can help your body to recover from any workout. This can be very useful in tissue repairing and energize your body.

For glycogen recovery and maximum performance, carbohydrates are essential. The intake after work out helps to restore serum glucose. Immediately after a meal, all the glucose will be delivered to the cell membrane due to stimulation by the insulin. The glucose is finally stored as glycogen after it is passed through the cell's membrane for phosphorylating. Intake of carbohydrates after work out is very important.

Intake of protein post work out is essential; this is because they help to rebuild the denatured and damaged tissues. Enzymes and the transporters of protein nutrients provide the necessary supply of energy for adaptation during and after the workout. The amino acids are crucial for the protein synthesis which is initiated by intake of raw protein from foods.

The other post-workout nutrition is eating whole foods; this should be eaten within 45 minutes to an hour after you consume your shake. For the best nutrition for muscle gain, you want to eat a meal made of high glycemic carbohydrates and protein to maximize your recovery potential.

The bottom line of this whole study revealed post workout nutrition, comprised of both carbohydrates, and protein helped decrease the fatigue level and increased fat oxidation in subjects.
Easily digestible proteins such as whey make it easier on the digestive system, and the body can then spend most of its attention on getting the protein source to the muscles instead of spending too much of its attention on the digestion process. When consuming foods after a workout, you must think "liquefied".

Each meal after a workout needs to consist of both protein and carbohydrates. Your fitness goals are, will determine the proportion of each of these components. For example, if you want to lose weight, you will need to have more protein than carbohydrates, to make sure that you are building muscle and losing fat.

Eating the low-calorie meals after working out didn't improve the insulin sensitivity any more than when subjects ate enough calories to match what they burned during the exercise.

This suggests that you can get the important health benefits from exercise, and best of all, you don't have to starve yourself after a workout.

Sugar in fruit and amino acids in protein will directly go to your muscle after a workout so you do not have to worry about storing fat. But keep in mind that for the rest of the day, you should eat the opposite way, like eat complex slow released carbohydrate and protein. That will keep your blood sugar stable and avoid fat storage.

from The Healthy Suggestions

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