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Clearing Yourself Of Addiction With Self-Help Techniques - Weight Loss Stories

If you’re on drugs and know that the effects abusing substance are having on your body, but find yourself relapsing every time you try and quit, there are a few self-help techniques you should try. If you’re ready to stop, or at least have the motivation to get on the path to recovering, you may find that you have the inner strength to go all the way. Every day can seem like a challenge, just to get through the day without letting yourself and other people down can be extremely tough. And when or if you break a few days of being sober, you can feel like the demons are pulling you back into the well you were almost clear of climbing out. Hope and redemption do not come like busses, i.e. once in awhile, they are always there. You can bring yourself out of the abyss at any time; the question is how?

Judge only yourself

Judge only yourself

Only you can be the judge of your actions in your own life. Take a good long, hard look in the mirror, and you’ll see someone who once had aspirations and dreams. That person still lives inside you, but drugs can warp the mind and the sense to a point where you’re totally consumed by them. Surrender to yourself; meaning, own up. Admit what you are, and realise how you go to a state of reliance on drugs to cope with life, escape reality and deal with stress. It takes guts, but search for rehab facilities and check cigna coverage here. You be covered under a government sponsored health insurance program, which helps people get off drugs. Whether it’s alcoholism or drugs abuse, these facilities have counsellors, medical staff and an environment which builds self-confidence. Surrendering can come with negative perceived implications, such as weakness and failure. But, be kind to yourself, and you may find your health improves in more ways than one.

Visualise your desire

To motivate yourself, set aside an hour to sit down and truly assess your life and where you’re heading. It helps to use the power of positive imagery to visualise where you want to be instead of where you are. Try to approach your situation as a complete stranger, observing and looking in. Think purely without emotion, and use logic, reason and critical thinking to give advice to that person you’re looking in toward. How would you give one of your closest friends help or advice on how to beat their addiction, so that they can live or chase after that dream they’ve always had? Write down what you want in life, and where you would like to be in 2 or possibly five years. Set yourself this goal, by pinning the plan to achieve it, on your fridge door, bathroom mirror or bedroom wall, so you see it every day; which forms a physical manifestation of your dreams making it tangible.

Cut ties with the emotional appeal

Cut ties with the emotional appeal

Drugs are a way to escape the pressure of the world and deal with stress. The high you get is purely a series of chemical reactions in your brain; it’s not true happiness. It’s nothing but a temporary fix, which not only doesn’t change your circumstances, it makes them worse; all the while physically hurting you. You could also perform an exercise where you write down what the procedure is, that you follow when preparing the substance you take. Then beside it, write down the physical harm it does to you by searching online for the biological and mental impact is has. Write the harm in bold, red felt pen to highlight. Imagine is this was one of your family members or someone who you love and admire. Imagine if the harm you’re doing to yourself was being done to someone you care for. Would you not feel angry, and want it to stop? Channel this frustration and motivate yourself to stop harming your body, because somebody in the world feels the exact same way about you and your addiction.

Live life for something and someone

Live life for something and someone

As human beings, it’s within our nature to try and live for someone other than yourself. Humans are inherent, pack animals and that means we’re social creatures. If you care about something, get involved in that area. It could be sport, politics, social issues or even helping other addicts. Helping people who are less fortunate can seriously wake you up out of your perpetual state of self-pity. When you interact with complete strangers who are in need of help, to do the most basic things, like walking, feeding themselves or even just doing the weekly grocery shopping, reality hits you hard. You find out; you’re not the only one who is suffering, in fact, many people have it worse than you do. You’ll witness first-hand, how they cope and you can use their techniques to help yourself too.

from The Healthy Suggestions | Diet, Weight Loss & Fitness Tips

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