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My Hopes For Us In 2019 - Diabetes Stories

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My Hopes For Us In 2019 
Lots of happiness and health - which of course is a given - and boatloads of tenacity to boot!
The ability and strength to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and get back up whenever we fall - and the doggedness to try again until we succeed. 
Having more things to laugh out loud about and less things to cry about when it comes to our lives and our lives with diabetes. 

To continue becoming the person we truly are and were always meant to be - before self doubt crept in and veered us off path - and super power navigation skills accompanied by strong winds for our sails, to get us back on course. 
Strong inner strength to plow through all the crap that gets in our way on our path to becoming that person.
Being more successful than we were the previous year - and in all dimensions, while helping others to do the same. 
Having the strength to continue advocating for diabetes (and anything and everything else we are passionate about,) and to be the change that we wish to see. 
The ability to turn our self doubts into tools of self empowerment. 
Taking the lead with our diabetes more often than our diabetes takes the lead with us. 
To say yes to the things we fear and wish for!
For each of us to continue to grow and learn from our mistakes, while being grateful for the lessons learned. 
Politicians who grow spines and stop acting like spoiled brats - enough is enough and we deserve better! 
No pre-existing conditions clauses and health care insurance caps - EVER.
An end to sky rocketing health insurance costs including medications!

Speaking of life saving medications, lower insulin prices and #insullin4all become the reality and the norm in 2019, because people in the United States and around the globe shouldn’t have to die because they can’t afford insulin. 

from Diabetesaliciousness © 2007 - 2018
My Hopes For Us In 2019 - Diabetes Stories

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