3 Day Crash Diets
3 Day Crash Diets. The foods allowed during this diet besides the tuna fish are salty crackers ice cream toast fruit black coffee and cheese. Consume low calorie nutrient rich foods like fruits baby carrots cucumber unsalted nuts limited quantity half a cup of plain yogurt home baked veggie chips with yogurt dip and green tea.
Hello there so today i have for you guys. A video journey on my experience on the. Military diet which is a diet that. Claims that you can lose ten pounds in. Three days i wanted to give it a shot to. See if it worked for me and also i. Wanted to kind of document and share. With you guys this journey in case any. Of you guys had any like new year's. Resolution weight loss goals or anything. Like that. This might help you jump-start that i am. Not the type of person to go on like. Crazy diets or like crazy fast diets to. To lose weight because that is just not. Me i feel like the best way to lose. Weight is to just start eating better. And controlling what you eat and. Allowing yourselves to eat whatever you. Want just in moderation. No this diet is safe you're not starving. Yourself or purging your body in any. Sorts of way you're eating very specific. Foods in a very specific diet plan for. Three days you do want to say bye no. Shape form or way am i a nutritionist or. A physician or a professional at this so. Let's start with what this diet is so. Basically the military diet is a three. Day diet plan why don't you eat specific. Foods for your meals three times a day. And it helps you lose weight because the. Combination of the foods chemically. Break down each other to kind of. Optimize weight loss and fat burn or. Breakfast lunch and dinner and you know. There's specific foods and specific. Measurements that you need to eat now. The claim of this diet is that you can. Lose up to 10 pounds in 3 days. Obviously weight loss depends on the. Person your metabolism. How your diet was before you started. This military diet so there's a lot of. Different factors that plays into your. Weight loss results so are you guys. Ready for this i hope so.
Alright so let's start with day one. Breakfast so for day one you can have. One slice of toast. It could be whole grain or regular white. Toast two tablespoons of peanut butter. And half a grapefruit and you have one. Cup of black coffee or tea whatever your. Preference just you can't add any sugar. Or milk to it and. Was pretty disgusting but a girl needs. Her coffee for day one for lunch you can. Have one slice of toast half a cup of. Tuna and one cup of black coffee or tea. Here i have one cup of tea because i got. Sick of that nasty bitter black coffee. So yeah moving right along to dinner for. Day one you get to have one cup of green. Beans three ounces of any meat of your. Choice here i just grow some chicken and. One small apple and the best part you. Can have ice cream yes ice cream so you. Can have 1 cup of vanilla ice cream with. Half a banana girl i was sold that ice. Cream now moving on today to breakfast. You have one slice of toast whole wheat. Or white whatever you like. One egg cooked however you like half a. Banana and it doesn't call for a cup of. Tea. I mean tea or coffee but i really need. My coffee because i was at work that day. So i just drank a cup of black coffee. And then for lunch you got to have five. Saltine crackers exactly five one. Hard-boiled egg and half a cup of. Cottage cheese it was pretty disgusting. So i don't know how people eat it but i. Pretty much had to swallow it no for. Dinner day two you are actually supposed. To have two hot dogs but i substituted. That with one six hour piece of tofu. Because i just didn't want to have two. Hot dogs i felt really unhealthy so i. Substitute it with something with. Similar calories and part of the. Substitution list that you're allowed to. You can also have one cup of broccoli. Half a cup of carrots and the best part. Half a cup of vanilla ice cream with. Half a banana oh yes breakfast day three. You have five saltine crackers one slice. Of cheddar cheese and a small apple and. It didn't call for a coffee but i was at. Work and i needed my coffee so i just. Had one cup of black coffee. Now i didn't specify how much a slice of. Cheddar is so i just cut a half an inch. Slice that would be equivalent to one. Portion then for lunch we are having one. Slice of toast i decided to be a little. Naughty and eat white toast and one. Hard-boiled egg and then i chucked it. Down with some good old. In water and now on to dinner day three. Which was the most miserable one you. Have one cup of tuna and along with that. You have one cup of vanilla ice cream. And half a banana i kind of ran out of. Vanilla ice cream because i was.
Basically eating it every night not that. I'm complaining but i just added a. Little bit of you know whatever other. Ice cream i had in my freezer at that. Moment. So what i did is i took a screenshot of. All the meals on my phone so that i. Could have it with me all the time. And i could be able to reference that. Whenever i had a question all right so. First let me start off with letting you. Guys know how i felt throughout the diet. So i pretty much was not i didn't feel. Deprived or hungry or starving yeah. These aren't these portions are much. Smaller than what i'm used to eating and. The foods are much different than i'm. Used to eating so naturally my mind was. Kind of craving the foods that i. Normally would eat you know obviously i. Felt a little deprived in that sense but. I wasn't hungry day one was the best day. Like i was happy like that food filled. Me up and i had no cravings whatsoever. They - i felt good and but i kind of. Started getting a little hungry here and. There and you can't snack in between so. You have to be very very strict on the. Side you have to eat specifically the. Foods that they're telling you and you. Have to follow the meal plan exactly as. It is to see the best result day two for. Me was not too bad. As you can see throughout the meal plan. The foods get less and less as you go. Through the day so throughout the day i. Felt a little hungry for the most part. But once darren came around even though. Sometimes the portions were small ice. Cream really kind of like put the icing. On the cake for me the ice cream kind of. Like totally satisfied my craving make. Me just good to go for the night so i. Think that's one of the strategies of. Why you eat less throughout the day and. Then at night you got to have ice cream. So that your brain is some kind of way. You know tells you hey you had ice cream. And you're happy so go to sleep and. Don't think about food day 3 though was. Like the worst day of them all i was. Dying like you eat so little and i. Really started to feel hungry and weak. On day 3 because the food was so much. Less yeah it was it was a little hard. For me they three was really really hard. For me but once dinner came around i did. So much better because i had the ice. Cream so like again the sugar. And the carbs in the ice cream really. Just kind of like boosted me up again so. I do have a blog post on my blog miss. Jana comm and i kind of kept a daily. Diary of how i felt each day on the diet. So if you guys are interested in knowing. More go ahead and check that down below. Or go to my blog that's who how much. Weight did i lose so when i started my. Diet my sister also wanted to join me in. The diet so me and her did diet together. And you know we both got very very. Different results so i lost exactly two. Pounds honestly i am okay with only. Losing two pounds i'm not like super. Upset about it soozee two pounds is. Better than gaining two let's just see. It that way but my little sister she.
Went on it with me and she lost five. Pounds i was like girl what what the. Hell like you did exactly the same thing. As i did but again i think it goes back. To the fact that her diet was different. Before she started all in all it really. Depends on you your body and how your. Body reacts to this diet i mean i've. Seen results i've seen online people. Lose ten six seven pounds so i didn't. Lose as much weight as i thought i would. Lose but then again it could also be. Because before the military diet i. Actually had a good diet so i really. Don't have a lot of fat in my body i. Work out a lot. I work out at least like four times a. Week so this diet is really designated. To help you burn the fat it could be a. Combination of things like maybe my. Metabolism didn't react the same way to. Those foods as most people would i'm. Just different i only lost two pounds. But i feel like i gained something more. Than just a weight loss because i feel. Like the diet helped me control my. Cravings better after i was off the diet. And i didn't feel an urge to snack out. As much as i would so this site is. Really good to kind of retrain your. Habits of eating and kind of teaching. Yourself to portion control one last. Thing i want to mention is that you can. Only do this diet for three days at a. Time so you can do the three day. Military diet three days at a time and. Then the four days after that you just. Go back to. A regular meal plan you can also start a. Healthier meal plan after that obviously. If you lost some weight so that you. Don't gain it back don't go back to. Eating pizzas and burgers every day and. So you can do this diet up to three. Times a month and you can lose probably. Up to 30 to 40 pounds in a month if you. Do it in those cycles where you. Alternate between the three-day military. Diet and then the next four days you go. Back to a healthy eating meal plan and. The reason for that is you don't want to. Do the three-day military diet like six. Days in a row or nine days in a row. Because then your metabolism kind of. Shuts down and it gets used to these. Foods so you need to go back to eating. Differently or like go back to eating. Regular foods for the next four days so. That your metabolism has a chance to. Reset itself so that the diet is more. Effective now the most important thing. Is that you need to combine obviously. Any diet plan with exercise and because. The military diet plan is a low calorie. Diet please make sure that you go like. On the exercise when you are in that. Three day meal plan because you know. Obviously if you don't have enough. Energy and you start working out. Vigorously accidents happen just be. Cognizant of your body and how you feel. Before you push yourself too much and. Yeah all in all i feel like the diet. Could work for a lot of people so you. Don't really know what your results are. Gonna be unless you try it again this is. Not a bad guy because you're not. Starving yourself you're not depriving. Yourself of like essential foods and. Nutrients that your body needs you're. Still giving all of that to your body. But it's more in a very strict control. Diet that is pretty much it for this. Video if you guys have any questions. Feel free to leave them down below in. The comment section or in my blog i will. Try my best to answer as many questions. As i can and i wish you guys luck if you.
Do decide to want to try this diet you. Can do it. And remember weight loss is just a. Number the most important part is how. You feel about yourself how you feel. Your own skin. And how your health is at the end of the. Day so i think it starts with. You and how you feel and confidence. Really built into how much weight you. Lose or how you perceive your body image. So i definitely encourage you guys to. You know kind of work on the inside. Before you work on the outside because. You can't really build a structure. Without its foundation let's just say. That i really hope you guys found this. Video useful and if you guys have any. Weight loss goals good luck on that. Comment below if you guys want me to do. A kind of like my diet slash workout. Routine i have been working out a lot i. Wake up at 4 in the morning to go to the. Gym so if you guys don't interested in. Knowing my workout routine let me know. Below and i will be sure to try to film. That at the gym with the creepers yeah. Anyways don't forget to subscribe and. Give this video a thumbs up if you enjoy. My videos and i will see you guys on the. Other side. Bye a bathtub then i go to sex clubs. Watching freaky people baby oh and it. Doesn't make me nervous. Anything less. And i'm spilling it all i get home i get. The munchies binge on all my twinkies. Throw up in the tub.

During this time you are advised to eat balanced meals low in saturated fat. You must drink at least 4 glasses of water per day. Sugar free hot chocolate made with water not milk.
A cup of string beans.
You can expect to lose about 4lbs 1 8kgs in 3 days. 25481 category discussion created 10 8 2007 6 05 00 pm this post has been viewed 24205 times i have been hearing this diet being talked about alot lately. During the semi fasting days the dieter will only eat 800 1000 calories per day. Military diet menu plan.
This page contains many information about 3 day crash diets. If done correctly, you can lose up to one pound per day. During the semi-fasting days, the dieter will only eat 800- 1000 calories per day. 5 day crash diet. There are many 5 day crash diets, though these can be even more extreme and can help you shed up to one pound a day too.. Free Copy Of 3 Day Diet Plan For Crash Diet Weight Loss: This diet works on chemical breakdown, so you may not vary or substitute any of the foods, although salt and pepper may be used, but no other seasoning. You must drink at least 4 glasses of water per day. You can expect to lose about 4lbs (1.8kgs) in 3 days.. (Read Also: Military Diet Menu Plan: Lose 10 Pounds in 3 Days) 3-Day Cardiac Diet DAY 1. Breakfast. Black Coffee or Tea. Dry Toast (a slice). Peanut Butter (a tablespoon). Lunch. Tuna (½ cup). Black Coffee or Tea. Dry Toast (a slice) or 1 oz of Cheddar Cheese. Dinner. A Cup of String Beans. An Apple (small) or Grapefruit. A Cup of Carrots or Beets.. 3 Day Crash Diet? Author: 25481 Category:(Discussion) Created:(10/8/2007 6:05:00 PM) This post has been Viewed (24205 times) I have been hearing this diet being talked about alot lately. You are supposedly able to drop 7-10 lbs in the 3 days you do this diet.. Low-Calorie vs. Chemical Diet. Critics of three-day chemical breakdown diets suggest that most of these crash diets mandate severe restrictions in caloric intake, which itself is the true cause of any weight loss that takes place. Most of these diets have menu plans that provide only about 1,000 calories per day..
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