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30 Day Beginner Workout

 30 Day Beginner Workout. Lower your body into a squat. Butt and abs leg raises scissors crunches glute bridges20 reps 5 sets 2 min rest between sets. Hey hey miranda mathewson here and we. Are on day number three of our 30-day. Exercise challenge and just i'm making. These videos sort of as an opportunity. For you if you are not sure what to do. Then you can grab up one of these videos. And get it done within ten minutes and. Then bam you're done so they're just. Options you can totally go do your own. Workout this is just to make sure like. It's a back up insurance policy so what. We're going to do today is a beginner's. Leg workout with no weight so i'm. Basically going to cover how to do a. Proper squat how to do a proper lunge. And then a side lunge and some hamstring. Work and i'll explain all that as we go. If you are you know just taking this on. As fun if your about it beginner you can. Still do this it's a great refresher. Course you get your exercise in and done. In ten minutes. 

Bam and you can check it off for the day. All right so we're gonna start with a. Lunge and what i want you to do is take. Your right leg forward your left leg. Behind you with your toes both pointing. In the same direction you're gonna think. Of bending the back leg so don't even. Worry about the front leg yet think. About bending the back leg so when you. Bend that left leg and you drop the knee. Down so the knee is directly underneath. Your hip then your right knee will stack. Up perfectly so the right knee should be. Over the right heel and you should be. Able to lift your front toes if. You can't lift your toes this is what a. Lot of people do they make the mistake. Of pressing their chest forward of their. Knee forward and when you do that you. Don't have any support for your poor. Little patella out there nothing going. On with that kneecap so you want to here. So it's supported and then square off. Your hips pull your belly in so you feel. A stretch in the left thigh through the. Hip flexors so it's core work to belly. In and then you take the leg as low as. You can go keep your shoulders back. Chest lifted and pull up thinking of. Tightening your size so you're lifting. Your side not locking your knees you can. Strain your legs but don't like pop your. Joints out and thinking that aren't. Lifting the thigh muscles so inhale bend. The back knee and exhale lift up two and. Bend down and bring it up three and bend. Down bring it up four bend down bring it. Up five bend down bring it up six and. Still belly pulling it bring down pull. It up seven down bring it up eight down. Up nine down up ten now you can keep. Going like that or i'm going to give you. An option down and push off the right. Leg bring it to meet the left leg and. Then step forward into it but think. Again dropping the back knee down and. Push off two so again you don't want to. Lean into it. What i think dropping the back knee. Three down push it back for damn you. Won't use that leg to push off five. Instead of doing funky momentum stuff. 

With your torso sticks down push off. Seven down push off eight down push off. Nine down push off ten and i'll do the. Other leg. So left leg forward and toes pointing. Straight ahead you're gonna think of. Dropping the back knee and the front. Knee will bend along with it so your. Right knee now is underneath your right. Hip belly pulling in so you can feel. Stretching up and the right hip flexors. And through the quad and your left knee. Is directly over the left ankle so you. Can lift those toes right chest lifted. Belly pulling in and well tighten them. Up to your thighs as you lift up without. Really locking the knees let's take more. Of lifting the muscles that's ten down. Lift up nine shoulders back eight exhale. Seven six and five and four and three. And two and one you can keep going like. That where you can do the other option. Down push off that left leg and come in. For ten and down and again don't use. Your rib cage for momentum press off. Three use the strength of your left leg. Four push off five push off. Push off seven pushed off eight push off. Nice poached egg whoa so got lunges what. About squats so i'm gonna turn side so. You can see let me see. I don't wanna go over in ten minutes. We're about halfway there so we'll see. If we get to the side lunges or not. So toes hips knees toes all on the same. Angle you're gonna bend your knees and. Start to sit your butt back like you're. Gonna sit down in like a chair for your. Kids or something so you sit way back. And your toes lift up your leg ready to. Go sit in it and then you realize it's. Not there and you squeeze your button. Come back up. So sink down try to get your elbows to. Your thighs make sure you're gonna lift. Your toe so you want your weight in your. Heels knees tracking over the toes. Same as before really important for your. Kneecaps chest lifted belly pulling in. In your spine nice and long when you. Come up you squeeze the glutes and lift. Your thighs again you don't need to walk. In the joints it pretty much just wears. Out your knees you want to strengthen. The muscles that support your knees so. Inhale down exhale squeeze up one inhale. Down so actually my chest doesn't change. Position it's my hips that are changing. Position three but my chest stays lifted. The whole time for press up five press. Up six press up seven. Press up each press up nine press up ten. Oh come on if we're going to do squats. Let's really doing ten more ten nine. Eight seven six five so i'm. Demonstrating the exhale on the way up. Three four i'm laughing because it. Started to sound ridiculous to me three. But the exhale is always on the most. Jerk exertion so whatever the hardest. Part is that's where you exhale we did. It so i'm going to switch into hamstring. Mode so you know lift your chest and. Take your hands out either to a chair or. Windowsill you're going to make your. Back totally flat so one way to make. Sure you're doing that is arms alongside. Your ear so you're looking at the floor. And then pull your belly in now lift. Your right leg but keep your left knee. Bent make your right toes point down to. The ground and make your right thigh. Super tight if you pull your belly in. Here and think of pulling your right. Heel away from you your back will be. Flat i'll take the right foot down. Behind the left and lift it just back up. To that starting point so it's not a. Kick it's a lift - meaning you don't use. Momentum you use strength 3 left me. Stays bent the whole time four exhale. Five exhale six and exhale seven exhale. Each exhale nine ten keep going ten nine. Eight seven six. Five four three two and one. Take the foot down bend your knees. Curved through your spine so this is for. 

Work - you're gonna feel that in your. Back your back is part of your core so. It is so this was working to keep you. Stable now we'll do the other leg. Lift your chest hinge over arms. Alongside your ears lift the left leg up. Tighten the thigh point those feet the. Toe straight down and keep your right. Knee bent now pull your belly button up. And lengthen through your spine now your. Back is nice and flat take the left leg. Down behind your right and lift it up. One down exhale two exhale three. And exhale four and exhale five and. Exhale six exhale seven exhale each. Exhale nine exhale ten and ten nine. Eight. That's our ten minutes seven don't go. Away. Six five four you don't want to be. Crooked thirty i don't want you to be. Crooked two and hold it hold it i'm. Going to bring the foot down bend your. Knees curved through your spine and come. Up so i guess i was just kidding about. Doing the inner thighs - we'll have a. Part two of legs for beginners so now. Just do a balance challenge get a little. Stretch here if you have trouble. Balancing on your ear it's like magic. Weird balancing. Let's our help yeah like that. It's an inner-ear thing and switch and. Then because it feels good clasp your. Hands lift up and over right and open. The rear left and since your scoop your. Belly let your shoulders roll forward. Press your chest open arms back dive all. The way over whoo she kept your head and. She kept your shoulders bend your knees. And roll up for 32 and then you're done. For today. Unless you want to do that again just. Press rewind or do your own thing on top. Of that or whatever start piling up vids. Do them back-to-back i'll see you. Tomorrow for day number okay bye. 

30 Day Beginner S Workout Calendar Workout For Beginners Workout Calendar Beginner Workout Program
30 Day Beginner S Workout Calendar Workout For Beginners Workout Calendar Beginner Workout Program from

Lower your body into a squat. Perform each exercise for 1 set of 15 reps. This program is best suited for absolute beginners whether men or women.

For a beginner s workout to be effective the full body program should incorporate high volume training increased intensity and workout splits to achieve significant muscular gains also known as hypertrophy.

Fat burn 30 min jog or run. This will help you build muscle size and strength. Perform each exercise for 1 set of 15 reps. Perform each exercise for 1 set of 15 reps.

This page has many articles about 30 day beginner workout. The 30-day challenge is totally customizable, too, making it great for all fitness levels. If you've already got a solid workout routine going, lean into the dumbbell workouts and focus on .... Start Now! 👉 30 Day Beginner Workout Program 🔥 💪 Visit for the Foundation.... Day 1: 30-minute cardio; Day 2: Beginner total-body strength level 2; perform each exercise for 1 set of 15 reps. Day 3: Beginner intervals level 3; Day 4: Yoga on the ball; Day 5: Beginner total-body strength level 2; perform each exercise for 1 set of 15 reps. Day 6: 30-minute cardio. •Hollow body hold30 seconds, 3 sets, 2 min rest between sets: 25. REST: 26. Arms Day •20 Tricep Dips •5 Pushups •20 Tricep Dips •5 Pushups •20 Tricep Dips5 sets, 2 min rest btw sets: 27. Fat Burn •30 min jog or run: 28. REST: 29. Butt and Abs •Leg raises •Scissors •Crunches •Glute Bridges20 reps, 5 sets, 2 min rest between sets: 30. Stretch. Create a free account today. This workout is part of Real Start and Real Start Plus - a workout plan made for real people with re....

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