30 Day Flexibility Challenge
30 Day Flexibility Challenge. Each day you will have one to two exercises to do at the end of your current cardio and strength training routine. Every year since 2014 i decided to commit to a 100 day flexibility challenge and i had amazing results.
This is a beginner yoga class to. Increase flexibility in your neck. Shoulders upper back lower back hips and. Legs it's hand free wrist free and prop. Free. Let's begin by your resting back on the. Earth. So feel the support of the earth. Underneath you. And like your exhalation flow out of you. Let any tension and stiffness in your. Body go down and into the earth. And allow your body to be fully. Supported by the earth. Let's begin our movements by drawing. Your knees into your chest hold on. Behind your knees if you have knee. Issues and you're going to inhale in the. Center let your shoulders be heavy here. Exhale roll your head to one side to. Release your neck inhale center exhale. Roll your head to the other side to. Release your neck you're also releasing. Your low back by having your knees into. Your chest when we're flexible in our. Bodies we're flexible in our minds and. Our emotions can move through us with. Ease. From here you're going to rock up and. Come onto all fours.
You're going to walk your left leg. Through so you're opening up the front. Of your hip inhale take your right arm. Up and then exhale take it to the. Outside of your left knee inhale reach. Your right arm up exhale to the outside. Of your right knee so inhale reach up xs. For the outside of your knee inhale. Access to the outside of your knee. Inhale up. Access the outside of your knee and. Inhale rotate to the outside of your. Knee and then we'll switch sides walk. Your right leg through so this time. You'll inhale reach your left leg up. Feel the opening on the front of your. Left hip exhale take your left hand to. The outside of your right knee so we're. Moving from our center removing stuck. Stress through our bodies. And let your body be soft and move with. Ease and one more on this side okay and. Then bring that foot in slightly and. You're going to come up to standing from. Standing you're going to bring your left. Arm up a couple of options here to open. Up the your upper back you can bring. Your elbows together if you're feeling. Opening in your upper back your doing it. Or you can bring your right arm. Underneath your left arm bring the box. Of your hands together or your palms. Together you're going to inhale bring. Your arms up exhale lower them down. Inhale lift your elbows. Exhale lower them this releases your. Upper back inhale lift exhale lower. Inhale lift exhale lower and inhale lift. Exhale lower and just leave your arms. Where they are lower your ear to one. Shoulder inhale center exhale lower your. Ear to the other shoulder inhale center. Exhale left ear to the left shoulder. Inhale center exhale right ear to right. Shoulder inhale center so when we tend. To be in our head all the energy stays. In our heads if we can open up our necks. It'll start to flow the energy between. Our heads and our bodies. So release your arms and just pause and. Notice how you feel i notice that. There's more smooth energy flowing. Between your head and your body now. You're not just a head you're a body. With a head and then bring your right. Arm up and then you can bring your. Elbows together here or you can hook. Your left arm underneath maybe the box. The hands together or the palms come. Together your whatever works best for. You and your body there's no better best. There's no right or wrong then you're. Gonna inhale lift your elbows and exhale. Lower inhale lift exhale lower inhale. Lift exhale lower inhale lift exhale. Lower inhale lift and exhale lower let's. Add the neck exhale lower inhale center. Exhale lower inhale center. And then come back to center release. Down and feel the smooth flow of energy. Through your whole body including your. Head and then you're going to lie down.
On your belly so on your belly i'm gonna. Give you a wrist free option to come on. To your elbows but if you don't need a. Wrist free option you're going to come. And take your hands underneath your. Shoulders and press up and then you're. Going to circle your head in front. Either way. Circle your head in front. Just keep breathing normally and it out. Through your nose. And then you're going to lower yourself. Down on to your belly and wiggle your. Hips from side to side to release your. Low back and then you're going to roll. Over onto your back for shavasana. So resting back here to receive your. Practice just notice if your neck feels. More relaxed your shoulders your chest. Your upper back your lower back your. Hips you can stay here i'm going to sit. Up and redo a poem. This poem is called song for autumn by. Mary oliver don't you imagine the leaves.
Dream now how comfortable it will be to. Touch the earth instead of the. Nothingness of the air and the endless. Freshets of wind and don't you think the. Trees especially those with mossy. Hollows are beginning to look for the. Fires that will come six a dozen to. Sleep inside their bodies and don't you. Hear the goldenrod whispering goodbye. The everlasting being crowned with the. First tuffets of snow the pond stiffens. And the white field over which the fox. Runs so quickly brings out its long blue. Shadows the wind wags its many tails and. In the evening the piled firewood shifts. A little longing to be on its way so. Give yourself a thumbs up for completing. This class and put i am feeling more. Flexible in the comments subscribe to. This channel for more short 10-minute. Beginner classes and share this with. Your friends who would like to try yoga. As well and go to melissa west comm. Slash begin to sign up for the whole. Challenge and remember that members get. This challenge ad-free. I'm sending you much love from beautiful. British columbia mayor joy be as deep as. Our pacific ocean may be as rooted as. The old-growth trees in our forests and. May be as strong as our mountains ohm. Shanthi namaste.

Every year since 2014 i decided to commit to a 100 day flexibility challenge and i had amazing results. By week four you should be noticing the benefits of your daily stretches including increased mobility fewer muscle aches more ease with movement and even inching closer to the. I am 2 actually.
We ll post the weekly focus and instructions for the upcoming week on the blog each monday.
The video above is a re cap party with coach matt ending the 30 day flexibility for the inflexible challenge we ran for nerd fitness prime members. I am 2 actually. You ve completed your 30 day flexibility challenge. Do not skip a single day.
This page contains many images about 30 day flexibility challenge. Lift your hips to the sky so that your body is parallel to the ground, lean your head back, breathe here, open your chest, push down through your fingers, engage your abdomen legs and glutes. Repeat for a total of 5 minutes. TA DA! You’ve completed your 30 day flexibility challenge!!. The video above is a “re-cap party” with Coach Matt, ending the 30-day Flexibility for the Inflexible challenge we ran for Nerd Fitness Prime members. Let’s go over some highlights. #1) Continue to test and retest your flexibility benchmarks.. Here’s what you need to know about the 30-Day Flexibility Challenge: The challenge will run for four weeks, from March 4th to March 31st. The first week kicks off on Monday, March 4th. We’ll post the weekly focus and instructions for the upcoming week on the blog each Monday.. This 30-day stretching challenge will leave you feeling bendier and more flexible than ever. ... 30 Day Flexibility Stretching Fitness Challenge.. Welcome to the first week of our 30-Day Flexibility Challenge! Each week throughout this challenge we’ll be focusing on making our bodies more mobile and flexible so that we can move better and stay pain-free. It’s important to maintain good flexibility and mobility to keep getting stronger and healthier!.
Videos of 30 day flexibility challenge:

Duration: 11:44. Views: 3000+

Duration: 14:39. Views: 71

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