1 Year Workout Plan
1 Year Workout Plan. 3 4 sets of 8 10 reps. 3 sets of 15 20 reps. What's going on guys welcome back to my. Channel my name is tres and in this. Video we are going to talk about. Designing your own workout plan so since. We have different phases in our training. Journey or our fitness journey like. Beginner intermediate and advanced i am. Going to make this video into two parts. Because of course if you are an advanced. Athlete you need not watch youtube. Videos to learn about designing work or. Plans but if you are a beginner or an. Intermediate then i think most of you. Guys will be searching for workout plans. Online so yeah beginner workout routine. Now this video should be watched by. People who are just going to enter the. Gym and have been training for a maximum. Of one year so zero to 12 so zipz you. Are either your starting point or you. Have been training for less than 12. Months okay now let us begin when you. Are a beginner your goal should be the. First goal should be not to think too. Much and not to complicate too much when. You are a beginner take something and do. That in the gym i don't care if you are. Taking my workout or anyone elses work. Out whatever you find if it's written. Beginner take it go to the gym and do it. You will find good gains because you are. A beginner so when you are a beginner. You should remember that your body is. Doing something new right so your body. Will like it and body will respond. Better than a person who has been. Training for more than three years so. When you go into the gym apply or read. Something or find something which you. Like and apply that so you should always. Do something which you like when you are. A beginner otherwise you might stop. Working on so first important thing is. Frequency what is frequency frequency is. Same everywhere now if you go to the gym. On monday then make sure that you go to. The gym on wednesday and friday or i. Must say make sure you do the exercises. Frequently now the first main exercise. Would be bench press okay for upper body. Chest shoulders and triceps even though. It is the primary muscle is chest your. Delts are your strength part of your. Debts and your. Are also involved so let's assume you're. Going to do bench press right so bench.
Press if you do it on monday make sure. You do it at least once more in that. Week because otherwise your body will. Not grasp that movement very easily of. Course you are performing the function. Of your chest muscles. But if you do it more often you will. Find it very easier to continue all. These exercises now before we start. Frequency is the first thing so we are. Whatever workout i am going to show you. The frequency will be high as it will be. Doing motions or doing exercises more. Frequently second is volume what is. Volume volume in simple words is. Basically sets in two reps in super into. Weight or whatever weight in two reps in. Two sets so it's like the total work you. Are putting for you're putting in that. Work out okay or the total load you are. Carrying for whatever reps or sets so. That is volume so these are the two. Things you should be keeping in mind and. The third thing is rest when you are. Just starting out now for example if you. Won't want to run a marathon if you on. The first day you will not be able to. Run de marathon right so you will you. Should be able to get your endurance. Level to such a level endurance level to. Such an extent that you will be able to. Run that 40 kilometer marathon or. Whatever so you can't just go to the gym. Every single day when you are a beginner. So adequate amount of rest is also very. Very important so don't forget about. That i know your oryx all you all you. Are all excited but just calm down. Let your body learn the new stuff that. You are going to do so now there are few. Exercises that i call the main exercises. That you should be doing if you go to. The gym especially if you are a beginner. Now don't be scared to learn all this. Moment there are enough tutorials on. Youtube very should or where you can. Learn about all these exercises now we. Can divide these exercises into upper. Body and lower body but i'll display the. Top five exercises that you should put. In your. Program which i'll discuss is the. Further in a few minutes but the first. Exercise is bench press so barbell bench. Press so this exercise will target your. Pectoral muscles i mean the chest. Muscles you are shoulders and your. Triceps so this is the first moment that. You have to include or you can also do. Dumbbell presses that is also absolutely. Fine but i would recommend barbell bench. Press second would be deadlift okay. Deadlift is also very important for your. Whole lower body as well as your. Posterior chain or else your full back. Part of your body as well as your lower. Body as well so deadlift is also very. Important now you can learn about. Deadlift in so many videos on youtube. I've also made a video on that as well. The third moment would be barbell squats. Now barbell squats. I mean barbell free spots not smith. Machine sports the reason is you can do. Smith machine i am not like- not talking. Negative about smith machine squats but. Then you're just starting out why should. You do something like smith machines got. To free weight movements don't go near. The machine even though you will find. Trainers stilling go near the machine. Don't go to try learning the movements. With free weights so bench press dead. Leaves sports the fourth movement would. Be overhead pressing now again the. Overhead press targets your delts and. Your triceps all your shoulders and your. Triceps and little bit of your upper. Chest as well so when you are a beginner. Right all the muscles will work together. Because you are not yet used to the. Movement so you all muscles will work. Together so compound movements as a. Beginner are like like diamond okay. So forth movement would be overhead. Press so benchpress deadlift squats and. Overhead press the next movement would. Be pull-ups now i know you don't know. How to do full up because you don't have. The lat strength or enough strength in. Your back muscles and in your bicep. Muscle so your body does not know how. Pull-ups it's fine but at least trying. To do one pull-up in a day or two cool. Up in a day you can take help from. Someone if you are not at all able to do. Pull-ups because of your body weight or. Anything don't do pull-ups it's fine go. For something like bent over row so bent. Over row squats dead lifts overhead. Press and bench press are the five main. Exercises that i recommend you guys do. Now is where are the bicep and tricep. Exercises as i told you guys you are not. Yet an advanced or an intermediate. Lifter for you to add so many exercises. For biceps of course i will add bicep xs. And a tricep xl just to keep you guys. Interested but don't just look after the. Smaller muscles biceps are very small. Muscles triceps are also very small. Muscles so these are the phi x ends now. That you've got to know about the basics. I will do a commentary and i'll explain. You how you can make your own workout. Plan and what is the best you can do so. That is you can download this pdf file. From the description box down below but. I will explain you guys how it is and. Why i told you guys to do all these. Things so the golden rule is progressive. Overload so basically are to try to. Increase the weight that you lift over. Time of course when you are a beginner. You will not be able to lift as much. Weight as you think you can but your. Goal should be to increase your weight. That you lift at least every 2 weeks and. Don't be scared and of course make sure. That your form is proper if you have a. Proper form from the beginning itself. Then it will be very good for you in the. Long run you will prevent injuries you. Will make your stimulate muscle to the. Fullest potential so this program will. Be divided into two phases the first. Would be months 1 to 6 and then 7 to 12. So the months 1 to 6 of course you'll be. Doing many things but in the months 7 to. 12 maybe you will be concentrating more. On individual muscles here months 1 to 6. It's all about compound movements and. You can't ask why and what because i. Already told you compound movements are. Like the king and your whole body will. Be stimulated and all the muscles and. All over your body will be stimulated. And that is how it should be when you're. Doing. Thing new so there are two types of. Splits you can follow our two types of. Routines we can follow one would be. Full-body workouts three times a week. And second would be a upper body lower.
Body split as in you do upper body twice. A week and lower body twice a week so. For full body one so you can do this on. Monday and the workout would be barbell. Bench press standing overhead press. Bent over rows using dumbbells or. Barbells according to the availability. But i would recommend dumbbells because. You have same load in both your hands. Then barbell squats and romanian. Deadlifts if you see here 3 plus 4 plus. 3 plus 3 plus 3 that is a total of 13 7. 16 sets right so that should be your. Goal but you can see that the intensity. Is pretty high by intensity i mean the. Load you'll be lifting as in when you do. Five reps of course you will be able to. Lift more weight then or maybe you can. Do for 10 reps right so the intensity is. Pretty high here but you are not doing. Not overdoing it right so make sure that. You follow this kind of routine and you. Don't have to change it you can actually. Follow the same routine three times a. Week but if you want some variety you. Can see that here i'm adding sumo. Deadlift or conventional deadlift. Because deadlifts are also pretty. Important for you when it comes to your. Overall body development it's also a. Full body movement your whole body and. Especially your posterior chain which is. Your back part of your body is utilized. Then i have lunges or step ups again. These are very good exercises i would. Prefer lunges because most of the gyms. Wouldn't have a platform or something. But lunges are very good you can just. Hold a couple of dumbbells and just walk. Around the gym and do like 10 reps for. Each leg into 3 sets so then we have. Bent over rows again i feel growing is. Bent over dumbbell rows i mean with free. Weights are the best for your back. Development but you can also try. Pull-ups as i told you guys if you don't. Want to do pull-ups because you can't. It's fine just try to do one or two. Pull-ups or 3 pull-ups in a day so that. You get your body equipped enough to do. It on a regular basis then we have. Barbell dumbbell bench press what you'll. Notice from the first workout is we did. Barbell bench press at the beginning we. Have. Are doing barbell bench press or. Dumbbell bench press at the end not. Because we love it more but it's just. That we are going to do the back first. And just to change a border to keep. Things interested as i told you guys if. We do the same thing there will be. Chances that you'll be like bored but. With this workout i'm sure that you will. Get results as well because of which. We'll continue working out maybe for the. Rest of your life hopefully hopefully so. Then we have the third full body workout. So if you do the full body workout one. On monday do this on wednesday ok do. This on wednesday and do this on friday. Or if you are not yet recovered as in. Your muscles are still sore it is not. Actually a sign of not recovering but. Still if you feel your muscles are sore. Which it will be in the first week for. Sure. Then you can do this on saturday it's. Fine but go to the gym three times a. Week and again here the workout is very. Simple just that i've added an isolation. Movement for the chest which is a pec. Deck fly which is one of them flies when. You perform the flying motion it is we. Are performing one of the important. Function of your chest then we have. One-arm dumbbell rows then we have lat. Pool ins now you might not be aware of. This exercise it is similar to lat. Pull-downs but you're doing it from the. Side you can check youtube videos for.
That it is very good then we have squats. And let curl so v as you can see that we. Are doing squats twice a week we are. Doing deadlifts also twice a week but. Here we are doing romanian deadlifts the. Reason why you should do romanian. Deadlifts from the beginning itself is. Because it will help you in getting your. Hamstrings flexible and when you do the. Normal deadlift it will help you as well. So romanian deadlift is like half. Deadlift okay you're not going all the. Way down but you are performing the. Movement and your body will learn the. Moment so this deadlift will become. Easier for you. So yeah this is a full body workout now. What about abs now if you are overweight. Guy i wouldn't recommend you to ab. Because if you overweight anyways if you. Train abs you won't be seeing them. Anytime soon but if you still want to do. Abs it's fine these are the three. Exercise that i recommend so please. Download this file guys it will be. Useful for you now as i told if you want. To do cardio being an overweight guy you. Can do that maybe on the day of your. Workout or maybe on any other day if you. Are like. A gym freak and you want to go to the. Gym daily then go and do the cardio on. The other day or cardio is not only in. The gym you can do it outside as well so. Now it i still recommend you guys just. Don't start off with four days split i. Would recommend you start off with a. Three day split and unless you are. Getting a personal trainer in the gym. Who is good he can customize it. According to your needs but i would. Still recommend for it and now that you. Are done with three days you should at. Least follow that for three months then. We can go on to the four-day spirit can. Go to the gym for days but still guys. But still you will have to make sure. That you are not doing a lot now for. Upper body we have your chest your back. Your shoulders and your biceps and. Triceps right so we have one nexus 4 try. Sir this is the first time i think we. Are going to add a tricep exercise then. We have cable bicep curl underhand grip. Lat pull-downs the reason why i am. Telling underhand grip is because it. Will also involve your biceps more than. A overhand grip lat pulldown so we have. To hit one three birds with one stone. Okay or two birds with one stone that is. What compound movements are then we have. Over a shoulder press again i really. Recommend you guys do this exercise bent. Over dumbbell rows power benchpress and. For lower body routine barbell squats. Sumo deadlift or romanian deadlift. Whichever you want to do because after. You do barbell squats five sets you will. Be tired so if you can't do sumo just. Readies the load and the romanian. Deadlift so if you are being soo more. Don't to keep your reps more than six it. Is not necessary then seated lakers this. Is an isolation exercise for your. Hamstrings which will hit your. Hamstrings in a very good way of. Performing the basic function of your. Hamstrings which is flexing of your. Knees are flexion of your knees so you. Can do this exercise then we have lunges. Again this is optional guys you can do. Two to three sets is optional even if. You don't do it it's fine because most. Of the beginners will find it hard to do. Lunges but i am pretty sure with all the. Training that you are given in the first. Three months you can do lunges as your. Muscles are strong enough so yeah that. Is the lower body routine now we also. Have upper body - and low. That so choose three to four exercises. From compound and three exile is maximum. From isolation so now by now you will be. Knowing all these things and which are. The exercises for which body part so. Just use it okay so and you can do it. You are on your own because i don't want. To make this in such a way that. Everything is like spoon fit to you or. Something so then you finish the first. Phase then you come to the second phase.
This is the month seven to twelve again. Guys if you can go to the gym only three. Times a week i still feel that you can. Still do the same full body routine. Thrice a week and still make lot of. Gains as a beginner okay now now that. You are done with month six you will be. Like okay i want to do more and more and. One no guys just because you have. Finished your six month doesn't mean you. Are like some pro or something you. Should still respect your body and do. What your body allows you to do maybe. Your body might allow you to do lot but. It is not the most optimal thing to do. Okay so make sure that you follow this. Kind of routine now you can see that we. Are putting a little bit more. Concentration of individual individual. Muscles now we can categorize into. Push-pull muscles and of course your. Lower body muscles now chest shoulders. And triceps i push back and biceps are a. Pull muscles i don't know why some. People call leg as pull muscles i have. No idea but i'm consider legs are just. Lower body muscles okay so for push it's. Just shoulder and triceps so what we are. Going to do is we are going to. Concentrate on push muscles but because. Chest shoulder and triceps can be used. And are used in many different compound. Movements that is how the routine should. Be set up now for push workout again. Barbell bench press see guys i don't do. Barbell bench press now i've been. Training for four years what i found out. Is barbell bench press doesn't actually. Give me enough stimulation in my chest. But still it is a compound movement so. It will give you enough gains okay so. I'm gonna just do flies every single day. Because you are not feeling it because. You don't have a lot of chest muscles. Maybe then you will not feel the barbell. Bench press but once you grow and you. Should keep on clicking pictures guys. Keep clicking pictures just follow this. And keep clicking pictures and you will. Find changes in your body. Then we have the incline bench press now. Incline bench as you can do barbell. Bench press or dumbbell i would. Recommend dumbbell because you have eq. Equal loads on each or both of your. Hands so it will be good for you if you. Do it with dumbbells then we have pec. Deck flies i know guys i'm just reading. It out but i just want to find out if. There is something that i should talk. About so here you can see 2 3 5 7 10 13. 16 19 so we have 19 sets here okay so. You can see that the intensity is not. That high here nothing like we are. Putting anything like 3 reps for eps or. Anything but as a beginner you don't. Need to do all that all those things. There like to read 3 reps because you. You can build lot of strength and muscle. By doing at a rep range of 5 to 8 or 5. To 12 ok or 6 to 12 so don't need to do. Lot of reps don't need to do to less. Reps so just don't go to the gym and. Lift as heavy as you can for two reps or. Three let it don't do that you can just. See the exercises and pull work out also. You can see 4 8 11 14 16 so yeah it is. As simple as that guys so pull worker. Now for lower body routine we already. Showed you what you can do for lower. Body so it is as simple as that guys if. You always ask me what should i do in. The gym as a beginner here you have it. Guys it's your answer i have given. Everything for free and not because i i. Want to do some kind of social service. Or something but i know it is a simple. Thing guys but if you want customized. Diet and stuff of course everybody is. Different and everybody has different. Macros but when it comes to weight. Training don't make any excuses from now. I just got an email yesterday saying. That i don't know what to do as a. Beginner so i hope that you watch this. Video my friend and you will get to know. What it is all about so that is it guys. And don't forget the first rule that i. Put out here the golden rule is. Progressive overload the day one if you. Can just barbell bench press the bar by. The end of the year when you do the. Barbell bench press you should be able. To lift at least like a mat like at. Least 10 or i mean 20 kgs on each sides. Okay so you can do it guys so just be. Strong and just go to the gym and lift. Some weights so yeah and watch the rest. Of the video and hope you guys will. Like it and share it with your friend so. You can download this from the. Description box below so guys i hope. That you like this video and i hope that. You share it with your friends if you. Have a buddy who is just going into the. Gym show him this video mention him in. The comments of this video or share it. On his wall or anything that would be. Great. For me as well as for your friend so i. Hope you are liked it don't think too. Much guys i am not a scientist but i. Know that this workout is good enough to. Help you make the maximum gains that. Your body can make ok so thanks a lot. For watching i'll be making an. Intermediate video right after this so. That will be uploaded in a few hours as. Well so thanks a lot guys for your. Support and up simple rule is don't. Think too much go to the gym stay. Consistent on this plan i have given you. Basically a 12 month plan right so if. You can do it for 12 months okay so. Thanks a lot guys i'll be back again is.

To truly translate your new year s resolutions into practical everyday habits you need to pace yourself. Carefully read all exercise descriptions before attempting them yourself. So rather than hitting the gym too hard and subsequently destroying your body here s a workout program that ll help you stick to.
3 sets of 8 10 reps.
The issue of frequency of workouts is another widely discussed area in bodybuilding. Trending in exercise training 1 how to build muscle fast. Most workout plans are designed for a set period. With the exception of crunches for abs you ll do 8 12 reps per set.
This page contains many videos about 1 year workout plan. Biceps exercise 1: 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps; Triceps exercise 1: 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps; Biceps exercise 2: 3 sets of 8-10 reps; Triceps exercise 2: 3 sets of 8-10 reps; Biceps exercise 3: 3 sets of 15-20 reps; Triceps exercise 3: 3 sets of 15-20 reps; Forearm exercise: 5 sets of 20 reps; Workout PDF. Program Note: One minute rest between sets. This is going to be intense, but at this point you should be craving the punishment because you know by now that pain is weakness leaving the body.. This gruelling workout routine has you in the gym 6 days per week with 1 rest day in between. It follows a pull-push-legs pattern, hitting each muscle group twice per week, with supersets .... Trending in Exercise & Training 1 How to Build Muscle Fast: 5 Fitness and Nutrition Hacks 2 5 Ways To Build Muscle Quickly 3 Hack Your Weight Loss Workout – Lose Weight In 15 Minutes a Day 4 15 Core Strength Workout Exercises for Beginners 5 10 Simple Morning Exercises to Make You Feel Great All Day. With this in mind, we will start with one exercise for each major muscle group and build from there. d. The issue of frequency of workouts is another widely discussed area in bodybuilding. Some argue for up to 2 times per day, 6 days per week, while at the other end of the spectrum, others argue as little as one workout per 10 days.. Here are six things to know about how periodization can help you design an exercise program that delivers results, along with some ideas for how you can create your own periodized year-long workout plan. 1. An exercise program is comprised of specific variables that determine the type and amount of stimulus applied to the body: exercise ....
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